Car Deck Park Flooring

Car Deck Park Flooring in Mumbai

We at K2P offer Car Park Flooring Service in which chemistry with a combination of epoxy and PU to attain world class appealing and durable car parking floors. Clean, neat and tidy parking lots are getting more attention now a days in commercial buildings, malls, etc., also a well maintained parking lot with guided bays and drive ways helps in controlling traffic and minimise the space

Besides enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a parking facility, our flooring systems cure to form tough, smooth, long-lasting impermeable coatings. Our car park floorings increase concrete floor’s resistance to vehicle and pedestrian movement, abrasion, impact, oil stains, tire marks, fluid spills, and many other chemical and mechanical stresses that could significantly damage uncoated concrete. As we use a combination of epoxy and polyurethane our car park floors applied does a great job at covering small flaws like hairline cracks and minor undulations in the concrete slab.

Product details

Service LocationPan India
Material Procurement BySupplier End
Application MethodBrush, Roller, Trowel
Thickness1mm - 3mm


  • Anti- Skid Properties
  • Bay And Drive Way Marking
  • High Mechanical Strength
  • Good Abrasion Resistance
  • Easily Cleanable & Low Maintenance


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